Here at Bridge Community Church, one of our distinctive core values as a church is that we never want to stop learning. Therefore, we love as a church to either host courses in our West Road site building for others to deliver as part of our family hub provision or we run courses ourselves for people to explore and grow in faith matters. For further information on any of the courses being run at Bridge please contact . Some of our faith exploration courses include Alpha, Freedom in Christ, Prayer Courses etc.


If you have questions about God or faith or if you are seeking to find a greater purpose in life then Alpha is the course for you. We meet on Monday evenings at the Bridge Community Church at our West Road location and all are welcome.

For more details contact Graham

Freedom in Christ

We run the Freedom in Christ course on Thursday evenings at Bridge Community Church at our West Road location where we learn together as followers of Jesus how we can experience the fullness of life that Jesus offers us.

For more details contact Graham